




Final Score


No2    No3

Bulletin 1

Dear fellow modelers!

Hungary joined in the European Championship of SAM models, in the year 2007.

A team has been forged, witches, and believes, this is the most important competition of the year. We won a lot of respectable placing. But now the time has come to prove ourselves not only as competitors but as directors as well.

We would like to invite you all antique modelers with models in Europe and beyond, to visit us. Meet old friends, make new ones, and - not least – keep to the rules, compete with our models, our own knowledge, and fortune.

During the competition a meet will take place for the SAM presidents witch, will discuss - among other things, - the possible policy changes, which would come into force in 2014. So I ask the stakeholders to think about what would take forward the certain categories. The proposals should be sent representative of their country as soon as possible. And members of the Presidency are called upon to keep constant communication, so the work could go smoothly.

In Hungary, over the nine official SAM categories we announce the new addition, the Elektrorobber category. The rules of this category can be found here.

Anyone can participate who acknowledges s the Rules of SAM EU 2010 - 2013, owns a model witch suits the requirements, enters for the competition in time, and you agree to observe the safety rules. An airport is always full of dangers. Everyone must take responsibility for any damage they cause. However, I ask all of you are hanging around the airport please pay attention and take care of each other.

I recommend that if you can, in addition to competing in Hungary devote a little more time to understand the Hungarians and to see their country. You can make this after the daily competitions, from the air, or you can browse the offers of the tourist agency.

I wish everyone a good preparation, and as always:successful landing”.

G. K.


             23.June  : Arrival,  Registration
                          24.June  : OTVR , OTMR A, OTMR B
                          25.June  : ELOT , 1/2A TEXACO
                          26.June  : NMR2,5, Electrorubber, Speed 400
                          27.June  : TEXACO, NMR, Banquet
                          28.June  : Reserve day,  Price giving ceremony